The Ronin Roams The Wastelands…
We’re building a timeline of figures and working on how we will present our design, development, and every step along the way from concept to finished figure. Update on that soon! We’ve nearly completed 12 figures, 3 in production and 6 going into manufacturing and one of these new figures is Ronin. The Ronin is a long-range recon and sabotage stand-alone mech. This unit is sent to disrupt mining production and destroy machines and materials deep behind enemy mercantile lines. This is a corporate war of resources and the stakes are high! Element 115 is necessary for conquering civilized space. Ronin comes armed with a blade and submachine gun, and lightly armored in porcelain flint steel matrix shirt plate and cuts a silhouette not seen since old Earth’s feudal conflicts. The date of release will be after our PLA Mech as part of our up-and-coming Yokai series planned this August for release. We have a lot of cool stuff planned, we hope you think so as well.