New Series Announcement: The Vet


Welcome to the world of EISBARENFAUST 44

We are introducing a new series that has been in the lab for nearly a year of mechanized soldiers engaged in a conflict on a far-off corporate industrial satellite locked in a war of mercantile conquest. Synthetic Learning Machines control the conflict on a polluted radioactive, Gliese-Jahreiß system designation of ES-6, where ammonia sleet whips smoldering smelting pits and at noon the temperature tops a -70. ES-6 is a battleground of machines, counter-radiation jamming, supply chain raids, and the occasional nuclear detonation are just backdrops to a corporate war of profits. Now only mechs fear treading on the most hostile battleground mankind has ever created. Two corporations, the Yokai Heavy Industries, and Kempt Maschine Sys., are locked in combat for the essential Element 115 an essential part of sustaining humankind’s expansion into the universe. This element extraction maintains civilized space and fills the coughers of both corporations. As long as Element 115 flows civilized space will overlook a war that only machines die in. On some rare occasions, as punishments, humans do make planetfall. Those humans are being punished for failing quarterly profit projects or for the momentary failure in corporate etiquette. Those that benefit from this war of profit sleep soundly in their posh orbital space stations never knowing the machine horrors of ES-6 as long as profits are maintained and the Terran expansion is not effected.

Stay tuned for production update pictures as this very special domestically art crafted and meticulously created figure comes into being.